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Sustaining the Planet

01 May 2024

1 min read

Wellcome Hong Kong: Turning food waste into energy
Wellcome Hong Kong: Turning food waste into energy
Sustaining the Planet

01 May 2024

1 min read

Since 2022, as part of the Environmental Protection Department’s (EPD) food waste collection programme, several Wellcome supermarkets have started diverting food waste to OPark1, a facility that converts food waste into biogas. This renewable energy source is used to generate electricity that can be used at the facility or exported to the grid, while the remaining residue from the process is converted into compost suitable for horticultural or agricultural purposes.

As of December 2023, we have implemented food waste separation and recycling processes at 53 Wellcome stores, resulting in the diversion of over 600 tonnes of food waste to OPark1 as of December 2023.

Additionally, since WFFC joined the EPD’s Pilot Scheme on food waste collection we have successfully diverted about 96% of food waste generated at the centre.