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Sustainability Sustainability

Sustainability Objectives

As a leading retailer in Asia, we are committed to driving environmental stewardship in the industry through innovative practices and a dedication to continuous improvement.

Sustainability Progress and Key Highlights
Carbon emissions

From 2021 to 2023, DFI successfully reduced its Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emissions by 19%

Of Own Brand products with plastic packaging are recyclable
Waste diversion rate in 2023,
up from 51% in 2022
Drop in plastic bags and
plastic wrap usage
(Compared with 2022)
Reducing Carbon Footprint

As the planet faces increasing challenges from climate change, we are committed to managing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Scope 1 and 2, aligning our efforts with a pathway to limit global warming to below 2°C. We prioritise adopting innovative refrigerant technologies, such as water loop systems and low-global-warming-potential (GWP) refrigerants, enhancing energy efficiency across our operations, and transitioning to renewable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Reducing Plastic Usage

To achieve our goal of having 100% recyclable, reusable, or compostable primary plastic packaging for our Own Brand products by 2030, ongoing initiatives to reduce plastic usage include eliminating unnecessary packaging, switching to more environmentally friendly materials and improving plastic recycling.

Reducing Waste

We have implemented several waste reduction programs to prevent food and other waste from ending up in landfills, with the goal of achieving an 80% waste diversion rate by 2030.

Beyond reducing waste, these programs add value by fostering a circular economy, alleviating poverty, and supporting renewable energy generation.